Rotten But Not Forgotten
It’s a real creature and it is much more dangerous than we think. It has little to do with laziness. Procrastination feeds on fears. Fear of failure, rejection, not being good enough, and surprisingly even fear of success...
Procrastination brings to the party your guilt, shame and lies. He paints a very real picture of imaginary situations that will never happen. He makes you doubt yourself, comes up with explanation why NOT to do this or that. He whispers in your ear the greatest reasons for postponing your life.
Procrastination is a true Grey Eminence. He never takes the stage, hates direct attention, and loves to wear his grey coat which is not all that grey. On the inside, you’ll find every color and sparkle of the finest gemstones. And like everything else in this world, he has a weakness. He loves to tango (I know! unexpected, but tango is the most dramatic dance on this planet, and Procrastination loves it makes sense). Start dancing with your Procrastination! And immediately, he’ll start showing off his moves! Turn after turn, Procrastination in his grey cape fluttering will reveal all of his colors. Gemstones will fall like raindrops everywhere for you to pick them up! As you lift up one of the gems to the light, and take a look through it at the dancing Procrastination. All of a sudden, you will see a familiar face of Inspiration